Marketing Consulting

Better Marketing Strategies To Increase Your Profits And Make You Richer

Startup Marketing Strategies Package


Most popular, profit winning advanced marketing and sales strategies for startups and low budget business performance.


Startup Marketing Strategies Package is ideal when you don’t want to spend much money on a initial growth of your sales and business, but you still want to have solid strategic advantage.

Depending on the time and quantity of the service involved, this Startup Marketing Strategies Package includes:

  • Web domain for your business (at your choice, can be more than one).
  • Web hosting of the chosen web domain.
  • Installing one or more CMS scripts and platforms (like WordPress, Joomla, PrestaShop, Magento, Moodle, Ruby…).
  • Managing of the website administration.
  • Writing/adding the desired content for strategic action.
  • Optimising of the website for search engines (SEO).
  • Launching advertising campaigns, promoting your products or services.
  • Implementing a group or a system of advanced marketing and sales strategies.
  • Creating the irresistible offer that will magnetise your product attraction and bring more sales.
  • Performance and potential analysis that will reveal in what areas you can do better or where is the windfall cashflow that you may be overlooking.
  • Creating social network accounts (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram…) and attracting more customers and sales through interacting with them.
  • Continuous access to your personal business consultant who will help you generate more profits and cashflow.

Most entrepreneurs work for their businesses trading their valuable time for putting out the fires. You don’t want to be a slave of your business, you want your business work for you and make your life happier.

Especially if you work from 9-5 and you have enough of being dependant on your salary alone for your financial plans, this program can help you develop your own business and earn much more than being employee.

It’s always better to work on fulfilling your own dreams than working on fulfilling someone’s other dreams. With Startup Marketing Strategies Package you are on your way to fully operational business.